The Myth of Stringent Requirements for Attraction and Seduction


Within three seconds, approach.

Before calling, wait at least a day, but no longer than three.

Never respond to a voicemail.

Send only one text each day.

Never praise her for her appearance.

These are just a few of the "rules" you'll hear Reviews about in the seduction community as well as on a variety of blogs, forums, and other places.

Rules are helpful, but this is not a cakewalk.We are conversing with real people who have real feelings and baggage.

You will never truly know what's coming, no matter how many rules or strategies you memorize.

Assume you were a door-to-door salesperson.You had a hard a quick decide that you just thumped multiple times, and never sat tight for over 93 seconds once you thumped.You would move on to the next house if no one responded.

Consequently, you knock on one particularly large house's door.You make three knocks.After 93 seconds, you turn around and start walking down the long driveway.

The voice asks, "Hey, are you selling vacuum cleaners?" from an upstairs window.In point of fact, you are selling vacuum cleaners.But 130 seconds have passed already.Do you change your mind or follow your "rules"?

You decide to reverse course.Upstairs, the housekeeper was experiencing diarrhea.

She requests that you please wait.She finally ArabianDate enters downstairs around twenty minutes later.

It turns out that she wants to purchase one thousand vacuum cleaners and works for a large distributor.Each unit brings in $50 in profit for you.A pleasant day.

Is this a true story?Obviously not.However, it does demonstrate a point.Some hot, ready-to-go honeys will fall through the cracks if you only adhere to your strict rules.

How can you tell when to stick to the rules and when to break them?

You can only learn from your own experience.

That is the one secret that most self-proclaimed gurus and experts would rather you not know.

By far, your experience is your best teacher.

How much expertise is required?

There is never sufficient.This indicates that you are gaining experience every time you venture out into the field and attempt something, anything, regardless of the outcome.

Because of this, there is really no such thing as "failure," and the concept of "success" is only a fleeting one.

Even though some of this "game" stuff is extremely complicated, it is actually hard-wired into your brain.It's tempting to spend a lot of money and time attending seminars and reading endless posts on forums until you think you know exactly what to say or do in every possible situation. However, this is a fool's errand.
