The dreaded obstacle to seduction:What if She Is Dating Someone?

So you approach her, open her, get a few inspirational tones, and around three minutes or so into the discussion, she expresses something like this:

"I just wanted to inform you that I have a boyfriend," she said.

What are you doing?Start following the "boyfriend destroyer" routine?

Sulk and try again with Reviews a different person?

Do you want to be friends with her?

Let's learn a thing or two from the great Milton Erickson, who created conversational hypnosis.His work serves as the foundation for all those "patterns," including hypnosis and NLP.

He would converse with a wide range of individuals from diverse backgrounds and resolve their enduring issues within a few hours.

throughout the conversation.

He created some pretty wicked linguistic tools throughout his career.Additionally, as previously stated, the majority of NLP and covert hypnosis are based on those instruments.

"Utilization" is one of his methods.

This indicates that he would incorporate the client's words into his therapy.

You see, when something unexpected happens, there are a few things you can do.

You can either ignore it and hope it doesn't matter, argue with it and convince the other person that it doesn't matter, or simply accept it and use it to get what you want.

For instance, the next time you get the "boyfriend objection," you might try this:I have a partner.


[----begin pattern] Wow, that's fantastic.Relationships play a crucial role.When my friends and coworkers tell me how they met their significant other, I am always fascinated.

It's amazing, in my opinion, how two people can fall head over heels in love with each other and have a sexual and emotional relationship that works for them.

I mean, how exactly do you know when you start to feel attracted to this person?I'm referring to the time when you weren't even aware that this Dating person existed.Then, all of a sudden, you realize that you can't stop thinking about this person, which is a wonderful feeling.

I don't know about you, but I believe that falling in love is one of the most wonderful experiences a person can have.

I mean, how do you feel when you're first falling in love with this person?

[---end pattern] This is just one of many possible responses.The key is not to explode when she says, "I have a boyfriend."Simply acknowledge it and use it as a stepping stone to discuss attraction, love, and relationships.

And it's pretty good when you can get a girl to talk about  relationships, love, and attraction while she looks at you, talks to you, and listens to you.

Visit Mind Persuasion right now to learn how to use the irresistible power of covert hypnosis to create amazing levels of fantastic seduction.To get you started, you can download your free set of mental tools.
