Can a Marriage Survive Infidelity - A Cheating Husband or Cheating Wive?

Infidelity and affairs happen more frequently than we like to think about..


The good thing is most women and men who Reviews find their husband or wife cheating want to fight for it and give the marriage a second shot.


Similarly cheating wives and husbands who see what they have risked and may lose, often want to make amends' than stay with their new love interest.


In both cases the act of research or seeking support and willingness to try the solutions is a strong sign that the marriage can survive infidelity.


Many argue over what infidelity and cheating is.


According to the English Online Dictionary...


Infidelity is the action or state of being unfaithful LatinFeels to a spouse..


Infidelity therefore can take many forms...


virtual, emotional, physical and financial.


No matter what type of infidelity has taken place, it is deeply traumatic for the betrayed spouse and the marriage. The betrayer can also suffer regret, depression and shame...


So clearly actions NOT words need to be taken to save the marriage and recover after the affair do need to take place.


But in answer to the question is YES! marriages can and do survive infidelity time and time again and in fact many I help actually come out stronger and happier as a result.


Dave and Cindy (names changed to protect identity) before the affair were living separate lives under one roof, they just weren't engaged in each other's lives, they stopped having sex years before and their only communication was on children and bills. Now they are affectionate towards one another, interested in each other's day and love spending time together.


The key thing that helped them was the fact that we did not repeat what happened in the marriage before the affair and list all the negative points they had about each other since they got married, NO, they instead focused on creating a new relationship and way of relating from scratch.


That is key to after you catch a cheating husband or wife, not to go back to how things were, but to ask empowering questions to move you forward. Happiness in life is about closing the GAP.


Taking where you are now to where you want to be: what you want the relationship and future to look like. Created a shared meaning for the future after the affair is also important. Having a shared vision holds couples together through difficult times.


Cindy and Dave are now the happiest they have ever been, they laugh, talk and touch all the time...


If you're stuck not knowing if you can save your marriage after the affair... here are a few more questions to know and assess whether your marriage can be saved.


1. Does the betrayer realize the pain they have caused and want to make amends?

2. Have they made a heartfelt apology and taken actions to rebuild trust?

3. Are the couple working towards a common goal of repairing the marriage and creating a compelling future together?

4. If there is an addiction, other behavioral issues or depression that is being dealt with?

5. Do the couple have the required patience to deal with cheating and infidelity triggers?

6. Are they focusing on creating a new relationship rather than focusing on the past?

7. Are they willing to invest energy and time into saving the marriage?

8. Are they making each other and the marriage a priority?


If you can answer yes to all or most of these questions, there is a great chance the marriage can survive infidelity, if no, look at the areas that need to be worked at.


There is no doubt that the most important thing in a marriage, as in any other relationship, is honesty and real understanding. This can be rebuilt but not over night, trust is not like a light you can switch on or off, it is more like one of those dimmer round switches that over time with the right actions from the outset can be increased and eventually restored.


Marriage Counseling After the Affair


You need to be careful when selecting a good marriage counselor after the affair, as some marriage counseling centers or counselors, believe that an affair has already damaged the marriage beyond repair.


You need to select a marriage counselor that has a program to help you move forward and not marriage counseling that has no plan, focuses on the past and lacks structure. Turning up for aimless painful negative talking about where the marriage failed... will not help.


Plus it is important that the marriage counselor is open to working with you individually and as a couple, a mixture of both works best when it comes to marriage counseling for after the affair recovery.


What to focus on?


I know the 3 A's work


Attention - making each other a priority

Affection - care and loving touch can go along way

Appreciation - appreciating what the other has


Hope this is helpful to you, just remember an affair it doesn't mean the marriage is over. It's only over, if you are no longer willing to put effort into it


Nicola Beer - Marriage Transformation Specialist and Founder of Save My Marriage Program


I specializes in a proven 10 step program to help couples increase the love, passion and happiness in their marriage in 30 days or less... Guaranteed!
